Tuesday, March 31, 2009

the third shopaholic!

hello blog!

okaay so last saturday i went to mangga dua with natasha and melisa. we had a lot of fun for sure. we laughed a lot that day! first, because of what meli did in the escalator. to know more just visit melisa's blog. and there, we bought jumpsuit and i got 1 more, a shirt. before we went home, we took some photos in front of mangga dua and after that we went to my house and took another photos. (I'll upload the photos later) anyway, when i went to kelapa gading mall last friday, me and melisa bought a same headband. so we wore our headbands together this day. after melisa went home, i went to kelapa gading mall again with my family and there, i met up with sheryl and her family! i went to gramedia and bought a lof of stuffs. and there, i laughed a lot too. the cause why i laughed is because me and sasa were reaaaalllyyyy tired that day. so when we were in the mall, we tried to find some chairs where we could sit on. but whaaat? there's no chairs left for us until we thought about some crazy ideas. here we go.........
L = aduh gila gue cape banget. eh itu ada tempat duduk tuh bisa kok buat 2 orang haha.
S = yah gak bisa itu ada tangan orangnya!
L = ohiya ya. aduh pegel banget gelo udah seharian jalan.
S = eh sofanya kamiseta enak tuh keliatannya!
L = heh dodol emg boleh apa duduk di situ lagian masa numpang duduk. hahaha.
S = ahaha.
L = eh sa! (sambil nunjuk2 kursi buat satpam yang kosong)
L = eh ada yang duduk di sofa kamiseta sa ahaha.
S = weh gatau malu. hahahaahahaha. eh kita ke umbro aja yuk deket. ( gatau knp ini anak ngebet banget ke umbro )
L = haaaaah? jauh gila harus turun 1 lantai terus masih jalan lagi jauh.
S = ah deket kok tinggal loncat! (oke, jadi posisi kita tepat di seberang atasnya umbro)
L = HAHAHA DODOL! kalo misalnya loncat mah udah bukan ke umbro lagi nyampenya, tapi ke rumah sakit! eh eh tapi yah kalo kita loncat entar digotong.
S = ohiya jadi gak cape. eh ayo ke umbro!
L = jauh gila. oh gue tau duduk aja lu di eskalator!
okaaay i know we were sooooooooo dumb and crazy. ckckck -___- but seriously we were sooooooo tired! and finally we had an idea to go to bengsol because sheryl was there and finallyyyyy, we could sit down. HA-HA-HA!
(to know for the other version, you can go to shasha's blog)

okay i know that's a very freak memory. ha-ha!



Friday, March 27, 2009

the second shopaholic!

hey blog : )

i had a looooooooooot of fun today. first, me and my friends melisa, dania, nirmi, tannia, acel, rizca, and greta did a happy-birthday-prank for our friends vina and tiffany. we threw eggs, sprite, etc at them ha-ha congrats guys : ) of course we did this after the tryout thingy in the post office beside our school. and after that, me and nirmi went to vina's because we planned to watch confessions of a shopaholic with melisa, tamara (meli's sister), and dania. we watched the movie in kelapa gading XXI at 12.30. actually we planned to go to dania's but because of something we didnt go to dania's but we went to the mall ahaha.

actually, ive watched the movie last week with xenia, marvin, and teddy but that's okaay because i love that movie! cause there was luke brandon a.k.a hugh dancy who is so charming! geez! ahaha if you read the post below this, you'll know how me and xenia love that charming guy soooo much! :DDD AAA WHAT A VERY CHARMING GUY YOU ARE, LUKEEE! <3

hm okay stop and lets continue.

after we went out from XXI, we met the 94-ers (ha-ha). at first, we met caroline and susan. and guess what caroline got a cartoon ronaldo keyring! aww i want that. ive never found that keyring before! LOL :p and after that, we met the other 94 friends tassha, alice, grace, and hm who else? err err sorry i forgot ahaha. and then we went to the foodcourt because dania wanted to buy something to eat. and then we went to gramedia! wo-ho 30% discount for all items! :DDD but i didnt buy anything and im asking my dad now so tonight we can go to gramedia cause actually i want to buy a lot of things there ha-ha!

wowkaay got to go now.
see you!


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

lets take a breathe for a sec.

hey blog : )

oh thanks to God tomorrow is nyepi day so i dont have to go to school and i can stay away from tryout at least for 1 day. haha :B

okaaay jadi gue udah 3 hari ini gue tryout dari sekolah ( tryout kedua ).
pas hari pertama yaitu bi dan mat sih gue lumayan bisa jadi yaa smoga aja deh bagus haha. terus pas hari kedua itu tryout bingg sama ipa sih err err yah gue gatau deh bisa ato enggak hahaha. nah hari ini nih hari ketiga itu tryout agama dan pkn yang bahannya ya Tuhan toloong banyak banget :(((( haha jadi yaaah gue sih tadi ngerjainnya superduper bzzzzt -__- terus nanti jumat ada tryout IPS awwr gila bahannya tuh udah paling banyak deh gak ada yg nandingin hahaha. semoga gue slese belajar deh dan untungnya besok libur jadi yaaa lumayan bisa nyicil2 gitu ahaaha.

Seriously im super tired and i do hate tryout(s) oh God heeeeeeeelpp me ha-ha : )



Sunday, March 22, 2009

this is what we called CRAZINESS

hey blog : )

haloha everyone. this is me (again). anyway guess what. i'm with xenia. i'm a huge fan of her. lol. ahhah.

MUAHAHAHAHAH. anyway the upper part is so not true. we're just kidding cause we have nothing to do. ngek. yeay we've just watched the best movie nowadays. oh yeah the movie was CONFESSIONS OF A SHOPAHOLIC. as usual we watched the movie with TEDDY and MARVIN (again and again and again) because INAS, MONIQUE, RUBEN, EDO couldn't join us (again and again and again. deuh -_______-) but it was still fun because we always watch the movies at midnight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so we felt that the mall is ours teehee and we were going CRAZEY. the best part of the movie was when we saw our CHARMING and COOL MAN a.k.a. LUKE BRANDON a.k.a. HUGH DANCY a.k.a. OUR BOY a.k.a. ????? okay stop a.k.a-ing -_____________________- especially when he sent two people to the auction to get the scarf so he could give it back to REBECCA BLOOMWOOD. oh my god. we're so jealous with the girl in the green scarf. not jk. let me repeat not jk, once again not jk. MUAHAAAHAAHAHAH. teehee. in a nutshell LUKE BRANDON is so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so CHARMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING. although he's not that handsome but who cares he is okay and CHARMIIIIIIIIING. ngyaghahahahah.

oh yeah after we watched the movie we went to the apartment. the main reason why we went to the apartment is because we want to study for our lovely TO. eww eww eww eww : b. but we think we had more playing than studying. teehee and we had a lot lot lot lot looooooooooooooooooot of fuuuuuuuuuun. lol lol lol. we watched MU VS FULHAM. and syt once again mu was beaten by another soccer team. DAMN FREAKO. what's wrong mu, why are you guys change lately. hehe just kidding and wondering :b.

OKAY we think that's more than enough. we know that this post is kinda freak because we are B to the O to the R to the E to the D. what does it spell?? yes. BORED. AHAHAHA. so we decided to go as crazy as we can. NGYAHAHAH.

good bye ya guys

xoxo, oxox,

-graceila -xenia

Friday, March 20, 2009

hello im bored.

hey blog : )

im freakingly bored right now. hm i dont have any idea what should i do now. any ideas? haha so yeah today i went back from school at 12.oo and that's great! :D buuut ... im bored. im not in the mood of watching movies or reading novels. so ive got nothing to do at all. but i need something to do! haha but w-h-a-t? -____-



Sunday, March 8, 2009

that wasn't nice, haha.


gue baru balik dari precamp di gunung geulis kemaren dan ... CAPEK! hahaha tp gpp sih soalnya kea lumayaan seru gitu disana. ketemu sheryl monique marvin teddy edo ruben tasha dkk : ) sayaang xenia sm inas gak ikut jadi gak lengkap deh hehe. tp yaa lumayan seru lah kea main2 gitu walopun capeek abis. apalagi pas main apa gitu gue lupaa pokoknya ada gitu pas di posnya kak icha & rene, sama di pos nya ruben HAHA ITU SUMPAH KOCAK BANGET. gue gabisa berenti ketawa ampe beberapa menit gatau deh ampe gue keluar air mata saking ga tahannya ngeliat mereka! hahaha sumpah itu aib banget ya hahaha.
and guess what? gue dapet oleh-oleh paling indah dari precamp haha! yaah, bibir gue jadi err err akibat kebodohan gue di sana. aduh gatau deh gue lagi ngapain ampe tiba2 kea gini. ha-ha keanya gak bisa gue tulis knp abis terlalu bodoh sih HAHAHA! lol : )

yah pokoknya semuanya tolong doain ya bibir gue cepet sembuh hahaha thanks :p :p

got to go now,


Friday, March 6, 2009

Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements?


im so freakin bored right now! Ive got nothing to do at all. hm actually im trying to make the web thingy but geez i dont know what happened with my frontpage so i cant use it well.

okay whatever.

and tomorrow i'll have my volley test. just pray for me friends so i can do it well haha. and after school im going to Puncak so im off until Sunday : ) yeayy finally i'll meet them again! <3

anyways, gue lagi demen banget sama lagu chasing pavements sama nothing lasts forever! i dont know why but i just think those songs are really nice :DDD and about the title, it's just a line from chasing pavements lyrics. ha-ha that song is melisa's favorite too! so in class we usually sing that song together. oh no, not just that song, but a lof of songs i guess HA-HA fyi it's fun LOL :p

and now im gonna make that web thingy again.

-graceila : )

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

hey you!

oh hello everyoneee!

haha akhirnya gue update blog juga haha tumben nggak males ;)

aduh legaaa banget TO pertama udah selesaai weeehoo! yaah hasilnya sih lumayan tp inggris gue paling ancur dah udah ahaha. tapi emg menurut gue soalnya tuh aneh bangett! haha ato guenya aja kali yaa yang dodol? haha bodo lah yang penting masih lumayan dan ngga merah ahaha. anywaaay bentar lagi ujian praktek ( selain or dan musik yang udah lewat ) nih tanggal 16-20 aaduuuuuuh help gue takut! haha stress gue kelas 9 kok nggak enak banget yaah? hidup jadi penuh tugas gajelas -____-

bytheway, gue lagi bingung banget sama seseorang. gue ngga ngerti maunya dia apa dan gak ngerti kenapa dia kea gitu. okay it's soooooo confusing, you know? arrr tp yaa terserah deh males gue mikirinnya haha! so it's up to you, friend : )

ohiyaa sabtu-minggu ini im going to Puncak buat precamp! haha aaaaaasik ketemuu my superlove delegation! HA-HA lebay mode : on. lol :D hello delegation : )

err i dont know what else should i write here,
so goodbyee!

-graceilaa <3